I have been working with soy wax as an alternative
resist on silk since 2002. Advantages are that the fumes are not toxic,
melting point is lower, and the wax can be washed out with warm water
and synthrapol. While soy wax shows promise as an alternative resist,
it is not waterproof and is generally not recommended for immersion dyeing.
I have been exploring instances where artists can use soy wax for its
unique qualities and thereby eliminate exposure to paraffin fumes and
In June 2005 I presented a paper at the World
Batik Conference in Boston on my experiments using soy wax
as a resist. I was invited to present this paper at the Kuala
Lumpur International Batik Convention in December, 2005, in Malaysia.
The revised paper is available as a low resolution pdf file (click
here to download; 2.7 mb).
In December 2007 I presented another paper at KLIB which illustrated recent work by other artists using soywax.
Pictured to the left are students and their work in
a workshop I taught for the New Mexico Silk Painters' Guild. Many of my fellow guild members are now regularly using soywax.